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💛​​🐾💙​How to Help Pets in Ukraine ​💛🐾​​💙​

It's no secret the War in Ukraine is affecting us all. I've shared about this extensively on my Instagram but I have felt this one more strongly as I have a personal connection to that part of the world. Both of my grandparents on my mother's side were from Slovakia and I grew up with them and my Eastern European heritage as a very important part of my upbringing. My grandmother used to tell me stories as a little girl about how she fled the war because Russian communists were coming to take over their land. The essence of this war goes very deep into my soul, and I feel it affecting me on a deep, ancestral level.

As I have witnessed the harrowing images going on in Ukraine, I have cried countless times being so able to relate to the women being affected young and old. I know much relief work is going to all of the refugees being affected and Ukrainian soldiers fighting so fearlessly and tirelessly to defend their country.

One of my greatest passions as a fairy soul is helping animals and the environment, so I have been really trying to raise awareness there. I have been especially vocal on my Instagram (@julieannfaehealing), encouraging people and tagging friends with encouragement to donate. I myself have donated to each of these animal rescue organizations. Each time I check their Insta story updates or new posts, I am reminded just how VITALLY important this work is. I am doing a fundraiser to send even more donations their way to these beautiful and important organizations (you may have even come here from my Etsy shop listing - if so, thank you💗). Be sure to look out for details on that at the bottom of this posting.

💛​​🐾💙 SHELTER UGOLYK 💛​​🐾💙

One of the organizations I've found vitally important to help is Shelter Ugolyk. They are rescuing dogs, cats, horses and more farm animals and sheltering them with as much safety as they can during the war effort. They are also giving back to the local community and helping other animal shelters with much needed food, supplies, and donations where they can.

🐾Support them on Patreon here 🐾

Here is a video of them saving abandoned puppies they found on the side of the road:

💛​​🐾💙 VET CREW 💛​​🐾💙

VetCrew is a team of veterinarians who are working tirelessly in Ukraine to help people temporarily house their beloved pets - from dogs to rabbits to reptiles. Some animals have had to be completely surrendered to them 💔 and others are pets planning to be restored to their owners when the war is over. They don't post too much on their Patreon but you can find near daily updates in their Insta stories. Here are some images they have shared in their story:

🐾Support them on Patreon here 🐾


This animal organization is working hard at the Romanian border to help accommodation, shelter, and veterinary care for animals in need of support. I originally learned about them from here. They are helping dogs, cats, horses, cattle, birds and any kind of animal needing help. From their FB post:

"Casa lui Patrocle Suceava Association officially announces support and assistance to families from Ukraine who enter Romania through the customs of Siret accompanied by animals, REGARDLESS OF THEIR KIND.

We are in Sučava, 40 kilometers from the border with Ukraine.

We will do our best to find solutions for placement, shelter and veterinary care for animals in need, repeat - regardless of the species (dogs, cats, horses, cattle, birds). The safety of people is now the priority of the government. But through the profile of our Animal Protection activities, we also prioritize the fate of bystanders, the voiceless in need."

💛Website here click on the UK flag to have the website in English

🐾Donate here 🐾 direct link in English - currency will appear in Euros and convert when you go to PayPal

💛​​🐾💙 Centrum Adopcyjine "ADA"💛​​🐾💙

This Polish vet facility is on the border of Ukraine and they are going into Ukraine to rescue and save abandoned animals. They have shared they have enough food but need donations to support medical supplies and rising costs of caretaking for many pets and animals in need. The vets and vet techs are also working very hard, long shifts with lots of animals still coming. One Ukrainian man called them up tearfully asking for them to watch his beloved dog temporarily so he could go and fight in the war effort. When you contribute here, you are directly helping not only animal's livelihoods but the ability for the Ukrainian people to feel their pets are safe.

🐾Donate here 🐾(currency is in Polish dollars - it will convert when you go to checkout - it's a very kind currency conversion for us in the United States so I found I could give quite a lot)

💛Facebook here 💛News stories on them here and here


Note: Etsy charges listing fees and as such I will need to deduct that from the amount of what I donate. You can email me directly at to coordinate this via PayPal instead.

My most recent Stars with the Stars video is for sale, and I am donating 100% of the profits (less Etsy fees and relisting fees) to support pets in the Ukraine. I will support one of the organizations above with the funds and provide you with a receipt if you need. Click below image to buy!

Julie Ann Fae is a Professional Astrologer and Certified Angel Card Reader. She weaves together the magic of the moon, stars, and planets with fairy flair. She uses oracle cards and astrology to enliven, enlighten and inspire others. Check out more on her blog, sign up for her bi-monthly email newsletter and visit her offerings at

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