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🌖✔️ The Magic of the Moon in the 12 Signs 🌖✔️

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

I recently saw the meme below and chuckled so much and instantly tagged 2-3 of my spiritual friends. It’s so true though, isn’t it? We all are completely overcome by the magic and mystery of what the moon does and provides for us.

The moon is linked to Archangel Haniel who governs female cycles, silver light, divine feminine energy, cycles and rhythms, and receptivity. Call on her for help with your own moon cycle and managing your feminine flows. She can also help with navigating emotions and tapping into creativity.

The moon is also linked to the crystals selenite and moonstone. Selenite was strongly linked to the goddess Selene, and this crystal was actually believed to capture moonlight in ancient times. I also like moonstone for working with the cycles of the moon, especially black moonstone. It is great at new moons and represents the womb of darkness out of which all creation comes from. Truly powerful stuff - especially in Scorpio season!

The moon relates to our subconscious, emotions deep down, and what we need to feel loved and supported inside. It is CRITICAL to understand one’s inner drive and workings. Here’s my astrological quick guide to the moon in all of the 12 signs.

Note: As is always the case, take the below with a grain of salt as it is only one part of many aspects in your chart!

🌖♈ Moon in Aries 🌖

Ruler: Mars

Strengths: fiery, can be motivated to do and achieve, good at taking action

Challenges: impulsive, childlike factor, needs physical fitness or a way to channel / express that Mars energy

My Astro Rating: 6/10 (where 10 is best) This can be a challenging aspect for the moon but with awareness can be worked well. As always, it depends what other energies one has in their chart to balance it out. The reason why I rate this one lower is because it requires a lot of self awareness to magic, but when done so can be expressed as fire beautifully.

🌖♉ Moon in Taurus 🌖♉

Ruler: Venus

Strengths: secure, managing needs well, stable, lustful

Challenges: can get too comfortable, not willing to take risks or go outside a comfort zone

My Astro Rating: 10/10 (where 10 is best) The moon lovessssss being here. It can tap into all the creature comforts of life, yet feel safe and supported so it can manifest more. It's a very safe, secure and nurtured place for the moon with the combination of moon + Venus earth energies in one. I have personally experienced many moon in Taurus people in my own life for long periods of time, and it's an energy you often forget just how much you appreciate until it is gone!

🌖♊ Moon in Gemini 🌖♊

Ruler: Mercury

Strengths: curious, communicative, friendship based, open to learn, exploratory

Challenges: mind can be on overdrive, racing thoughts linked to emotions can be dangerous at times

My Astro Rating: 9/10 (where 10 is best) Moon in Gemini puts the moon with Mercury, so it creates this emotionally shifting and changing mental energy. Multiple personalities behind the scenes for sure! Despite the challenges, I still find a moon in Gemini to be quite fun and playful. It needs to manage its insatiable curiosity, but it is always prepared to explore, learn, and grow and that is most definitely not a bad thing.

🌖♋ Moon in Cancer 🌖♋

Ruler: Moon

Strengths: sensitive, emotional, caring, loving, supportive

Challenges: moods can override the show, ups and downs in emotional swings, difficulty exploring or taking risks

My Astro Rating: 8.5/10 (where 10 is best) It might surprise you that I would put the moon in its home sign at a lower number than the zodiac signs around it, but this is because there can be too much of a “comfortable” thing. Remember the moon wants to feel safe and secure and Cancer is always, always seeking that. Together, it can create a double layered shell to penetrate. However, a moon in Cancer is your best bet for a loving and supportive companion. It's the ultimate “nurturer” energy. Being home placement for the moon, the moon is able to express itself naturally here.

🌖 Moon in Leo 🌖

Ruler: Sun

Strengths: creative, artistic, fiery, passionate, courageous

Challenges: hidden talents, secretly seeking attention but not always willing to admit it!

My Astro Rating: 9/10 (where 10 is best) I find a moon in Leo to be a fun, beautiful, and playful placement for the moon. These are the artists and the creatives of the world, but you might never know it by their sun sign or their ascendent. It is critical moon in Leo people find a way to express themselves artistically and creativity, as they have so much hidden talent to truly share. Many, many famous musicians and artists (including that of members of The Beatles and One Direction) have moon in Leo placements.

🌖 Moon in Virgo 🌖

Ruler: Mercury

Strengths: meticulous, exacting, precise, witty, clever

Challenges: emotionally critical, harsh, nitpicky, too critical, over-perfectionism

My Astro Rating: 6/10 (where 10 is best) As a strong Virgo myself, I love me some Virgo energies. However, I am often grateful I am Sun Virgo and not Moon Virgo. Putting Virgo with the moon sign instead of the sun makes things a bit harder for the person. They can internalize a lotttt of self-criticism and also really struggle with feeling safe to just flow, be, and witness things without judgement. However, moon in Virgo people make FANTASTIC writers, songwriters, and poets. J.K. Rowling has this placement.

🌖 Moon in Libra 🌖

Ruler: Venus

Strengths: fair, balanced, harmonious, peace-seeking, loving

Challenges: indecisive, uncertain, judging / weighing things out sometimes overly so

My Astro Rating: 8.5/10 (where 10 is best) This is my natal moon sign and I know it well! The moon here enjoys beauty, art, music (especially so), and pleasures as Libra is a Venus ruled sign, so this is a sweet and positive placement for the moon. However, indecision and over intellectualizing feelings can occur and this can create a “trapped” feeling one needs to watch out for.

🌖♏ Moon in Scorpio 🌖♏

Ruler: Mars & Pluto

Strengths: perceptive, penetrating, astute, powerful, enduring, emotionally strong

Challenges: secretive, hidden, brooding, possessive, fixed emotions

My Astro Rating: 9/10 (where 10 is best) Personally, I love a moon in Scorpio. You will find some astrologers dislike it, but I find it to be a deep, penetrating, get-ish-done kind of moon sign. Beyonce and Kylie Jenner have this placement. It really emboldens you to live in your authenticity and not tolerate manipulation or deception from others. Often moon Scorpio peeps go through some type of internal struggle in their youth that propels them into greater depth and transformation in adulthood.

🌖♐ Moon in Sagittarius 🌖♐

Ruler: Jupiter

Strengths: wise, hopeful, optimistic, excitable, eager, playful

Challenges: can tend to excess, can get overly wrapped up in belief systems, evading problems at times

My Astro Rating: 9/10 (where 10 is best) Moon in Sag is a happy, bouncy placement for the moon. It is someone who deep down loves having a sense of play and exuberance to life. They may also be very drawn to metaphysics and the etheric arts, as it is Jupiter ruled. Cautions here are partying when it would be better to buckle down and getting overly caught up in belief systems. There can also be a tendency here to evade or avoid problems in favor of the next best thrill (sorrrrry my own Saturn in Sagittarius had to say it).

🌖♑ Moon in Capricorn 🌖♑

Ruler: Saturn

Strengths: responsible, financially focused, long term planner, business savvy

Challenges: critical, discerning, brooding, can be depressing

My Astro Rating: 6/10 (where 10 is best) I’m currently going through the final stages of a progressed moon transit in Capricorn as I write this. I can honestly say this multi year progressed moon transit has been intense, unyielding, and pressure filled to “fix my life”. Moon in Capricorn can do this to you. Following after moon in Sag, fun is no longer the focus and there is a seriousness that comes into life. Moon in Capricorn people tend to be especially astute at business and financial things (Saturn, hierarchies, rules of the Earth), but they can also internalize a lot of harsh criticisms and not always express their feelings enough (Cancer rules that, Capricorn’s opposite).

🌖♒ Moon in Aquarius 🌖♒

Ruler: Uranus

Strengths: strong friend, quirky, individualistic, unique, zany, expressive

Challenges: offbeat nature can alienate people (people don’t perceive your affection), detachment from emotions

My Astro Rating: 8/10 (where 10 is best) I like a moon in Aquarius, but as is always the case with Aquarius there can be an energy of innovation and zaniness that runs parallel to a sense of loneliness and aloofness. With Uranus ruled energy put with the moon, it places a quality of “emotional separation” to the person. They become a great friend and ally to many in their collective circle, yet sometimes to those people closest to them (husband, wife, boyfriend etc.) they can appear detached. Moon in Aquarius people just express themselves differently, and people need to come to understand that.

🌖Moon in Pisces 🌖

Ruler: Venus

Strengths: loving, affectionate, forgiving, artistic, intuitive, dreamy

Challenges: deeply empathic (can bring in confusion whose emotions are yours vs. others), caution with addictions

My Astro Rating: 8/10 (where 10 is best) For all the problems moon in Aquarius people may have with displaying affection, moon in Pisces has none. It is loving, giving, and generous with its energy and time -- sometimes too much so. The moon in this placement can struggle with being too weighed down by feelings (their own + everyone else’s) and sometimes tap into the shadowy aspects of Pisces such as guilt and judgement (Kim Kardashian has this placement). There is also a caution here with this sign to not overindulge in Neptunian things such as sweets / candy and alcohol as it may bring too much “boundary loosening” in an energy already struggling with that.

As you can see, I haven’t rated any of the moon signs too harshly (below a 5). I believe each of us in our emotional fingerprint are unique and beautiful. Too often in astrology we are quick to label and demonize, when in fact we should be just identifying differences, comparing and contrasting, and drawing our own conclusions. The moon sign in all of its many facets and forms is still a very beautiful thing.

Did you know I do customized moon reports at the New and Full Moons? These private readings are delivered via recorded audio file and delivered to you with bonus card pulls for each of the new / full moons in a given monthly cycle. It's a great way to get to know your chart and tune into the energies of a particular month. Learn more & shop here.

Also, for more on how to work with the different planetary archetypes including with crystals, archangels, case studies and more check out my Planetary Cheatsheets available for instant download here.

Julie Ann Fae is a Professional Astrologer and Certified Angel Card Reader. She weaves together the magic of the moon, stars, and planets with fairy flair. She uses oracle cards and astrology to enliven, enlighten and inspire others. Check out more on her blog, sign up for her bi-monthly email newsletter and visit her offerings at

I am an Amazon affiliate. This supports my spiritual business at no additional cost to you.

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